Website Creation

Sharply priced Creation packs for a variety of website sizes. Site building and/or Keyword research. (scroll down)

Website Creation Pack S

This Website Creation Pack is enough for a simple site with only a few pages.

It will give you a professional looking online presence for the lowest cost available.

WordPress based website
Custom made design
Standard template based design
Website Care pack required once site is live

Pages created
Contact Us page
Product/Services Overview page (max 4 items)
Contact From

Materials to be delivered by you.

* = to be delivered digitally, error free, usable and in 1 go.

No text or image creation / manipulation included but available as an optional extra.

Website Creation Pack M

This Website Creation Pack is more elaborate site with 10 pages.

It will give you a professional looking online presence where you can share more information with your (prospective) buyers.

WordPress based website
Custom made design
Standard template based design
Website Care pack required once site is live

Pages created
Contact Us page
Product/Services Overview page (max 4 items)
Contact From
4 product pages
About Us page
Base Landing page to use for advertising etc
Optional, extra (duplicate) pages for a set price

Materials to be delivered by you.

* = to be delivered digitally, error free, usable and in 1 go.

No text or image creation / manipulation included but available as an optional extra.

Website Creation Pack L

This Website Creation Pack is more elaborate site with 20 pages.

It will give you a professional looking online presence where you can share more information with your (prospective) buyers.

WordPress based website
Custom made design
Standard template based design
Website Care pack required once site is live

Pages created
Contact Us page
Product/Services Overview page (max 7 items)
Contact From
7 product pages
About Us page
Service page
Blog page
Privacy Policy page
Terms of Service page
FAQ page
Careers page
Page not found page
Base Landing page to use for advertising etc
Optional, extra (duplicate) pages for a set price

Materials to be delivered by you.

* = to be delivered digitally, error free, usable and in 1 go.

No text or image creation / manipulation included but available as an optional extra.

Website Creation Pack Custom

This Website Creation Pack is for those that want a bespoke website and the briefing/discussion will define the price. This is a Quote Request. Usually there will be a minimum price of 2.500 for a website like this. The price will go up further depending on if a complex designs etc has to be made.

You will indicate what you want and we'll advise you as to what we feel that woudl need, we'll work together to define what the site should be.

WordPress based website
Custom made design (possible)
Standard template based design (possible)
Website Care pack required once site is live

Pages created
The number of pages will defined by the requirements and the briefing

Text (You/Us)*
Images (You/Us)*

Materials to be delivered by you.

* = to be delivered;
- digitally, error free, usable and in 1 go or
- we will write copy and/or create images or
- a combination of the 2. This will be defined by the briefing and needs.

Keyword Research Pack Custom

Note, this is a Quote request only;

This Keyword Research Pack is for those that need help finding the right keywords to use for their site and Ad accounts.

Send us the keyword(s) you want researched and include some additional information to know what we are looking at.

We will use our extensive knowledge and experience, including several (Ai) tools, to give a success difficulty value and up to 10 related keywords, per keyword sent. Realise that any keyword should be used in the ad, on the site (a certain amount of times in a natural way) and possible in other places too.

More extensive advice and/or help with implementation is available too, of course.