SSL certificates
We all know that your site needs to be secure. Most browsers will even warn users now if your site isn't secured. Get your professional SSL certificate, for the very best price, from us and be safe and show your visitors you mean them well.
GoGetSSL™ certificates are issued as to the strategic partner by Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA).
Domain SSL is a domain validation certificate with the complete support of both RSA and ECC hash algorithms for the same price.
This SSL comes with a lock that appears at the address bar of all known browsers and mobile devices. It is suitable for small and medium websites, mail servers, start-ups or any other online projects. The validation process is fast and easy as all you need is to confirm domain ownership via one of the available methods.
GoGetSSL® BusinessTrust SSL is a special product developed in co-operation with Sectigo CA.
It is a business verification certificate created to protect websites with strong 256-bit encryption with robust ECC and RSA algorithms. GoGetSSL is the first company who uses LEI codes during verification to speed up the process. Using LEI you can get SSL within a business day. This SSL is trusted by 99.6% browsers and mobile devices and makes us issue a true premium SSL certificate.
Business validation SSL verifies company/organization name, address and phone number (optional). OV SSL increases trust and credibility of each website and its services. BusinessTrust SSL allows protecting Public IP addresses.
BusinessTrust EV SSL is GoGetSSL's own branded SSL certificate powered by the strongest CA in the World - Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA).
It comes with a $1,000,000 warranty, 30-day money-back guarantee for any reason, unlimited free reissues, unlimited server licensing and yes, with the best visual trust indicator called 'Green address bar'.
We provide both ECC and RSA algorithms for the same price, and you can use both simultaneously.
Green Address Bar Included (where applicable still)
GoGetSSL are one of the first companies who start using LEI codes to speed up the issuance process as in most cases no paperwork is required at all. EV SSL is a best way for a natural increase of conversions for up to 17,3%. BusinessTrust EV certificates come with a Site seal logo to help establish trustful relations between your and your customers.
PositiveSSL Certificate DV
Keep your website safe without spending a lot!
Google won't call your site "Not Secure" if you use PositiveSSL. It's easy, fast, and does everything needed to make sure your site meets browser safety standards and wins your customers' trust.
What you get;
- Super strong 256-bit encryption
- A robust 2048-bit signature key
- Quick, automatic setup
- Get it up and running in just a few minutes!
Sectigo Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates
Assert your identity with the highest validation level.
An Extended Validation SSL certificate provides the highest level of assurance identity out of any SSL certificate. Aside from verifying the domain ownership, EV SSL certificates require nine additional validation steps for the ultimate level of trust.
In a world of phishing and waterholing attacks, identity assurance has never been so important. An EV SSL certificate gives customers the confidence they need to trust your website and brand.
Looking for a very flexible SSL certificate? Select the GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium certificate from DigiCert CA. QuickSSL enables strong 256-bit encryption in all desktops, mobiles, and browsers to protect websites. Customers will not get warning messages from the browsers regarding unprotected connections.
It takes around 5 minutes to get SSL issued after confirmation of domain validation email. You may get your SSL certificate anytime due to the automated validation process 24 hours a day. Green closed padlock (not Green address bar) came with every QuickSSL certificate to get instant trust from every visitor.
GeoTrust has a broad range of traditional products like Wildcard SSL, Multi-Domain SSL, and Single domain certificates, but one of the most wanted is GeoTrust EV SSL certificate. It comes with 256-bit protection and unlimited server licensing that allows installing SSL on as many servers you wish without additional cost.
Green Address Bar Included (where still applicable)
EV SSL means Extended validation involved in the process of verification, you may need to provide some company documents like Article of Incorporation (Registration application) or link to online GOV Database to verify the legal existence of your business. EV SSL delivers green address bar to get a strong impression that the website has trust from the audience.
The Basic EV SSL Certificate from DigiCert CA offers great long-term scalability by allowing you to add up to 250 standard domains now or later – all under one single certificate. This will simplify certificate management excessively! It is possible to purchase an SSL subscription for up to 6 (six) years to save money and simplify the re-validation process.
In addition, this is an extended validation (EV) SSL certificate – the highest level of validation you can receive. This will be a major boost to your website as users can verify your organizational information right in your certificate details. When you couple this with the complementary DigiCert Dynamic Site Seal, you are sure to build more trust with your users.
SSL comes with Priority verification, 1,750.000$ warranty, and of course unlimited free reissues. 24-hour support seven days a week provided by the award-winning DigiCert award-winning professional team.
Verified Mark Certificates (VMCs) allow you to render your logo next to the “sender” field in email clients so that users see your mark — and that your organization has been authenticated — before they even open your message. It's the email equivalent of a checkmark on social media, with added validation and security requirements to help protect your customers and your brand against phishing and spoofing attacks.
Logo-verified email is part of a groundbreaking initiative—in cooperation with Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) and email client providers— to promote a consistent, trusted, and visually authenticatable email experience for both businesses and consumers.
How to get VMC certificate?
1 Become DMARC compliant.
Check the current status of your domains. To qualify for a VMC, you must have a DMARC record with “p=quarantine” or “p=reject.” We recommend using a domain checking tool to make sure the setup is done correctly. We here if you need help setting up DMARC.
2 Register trademark
Have a trademarked logo. Not just any logo will do, it must be registered with one of the eight officially recognized intellectual property offices; United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Canadian Intellectual Property Office, European Union Intellectual Property Office, UK Intellectual Property Office, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Japan Trademark Office, Spanish Patent and Trademark Office O.A., IP Australia.
3 Prepare Logo
VMC logos must be in the appropriate .svg format to display in your customers’ inboxes. Here’s what you’ll need.
4 Create order
Purchase your VMC. The certificate authority will then validate your organization and logo.
5 Publish
Publish a BIMI DNS record for your domain. This tells your email server which image file to display as your logo.
6 Ready
Your logo will automatically display in Gmail, Yahoo, and other participating email clients.
Business validation
The validation process for VMCs follows that of EV SSL certificates, along with the added steps of confirming your logo is trademarked and that your email domain(s) are DMARC compliant. You will also be required to provide notarized copies of ID documents and perform a video call with DigiCert confirming your identity matches them.