StatsOnWeb: Statistics and tracking

You have a site but you also need to know who visist it, from where, what pages they view, where you lose them, etc. Get stats without the 'big boys' knowing what your strenght are!


We all want to know who comes to our website, how they reach it and what they are looking for. Live statistics, as StatsOnWeb are, will show you this and more, much more and in real-time. Did somebody just come to your site? They will be picked up and followed. One of the most interesting pieces of information might, therefore, be the Most used paths.

Specifications starting from

10 Counters
1 Domains to track
Domains aliasses
1 Campagnes
Control Panel

Click Tracker
Click Tracker
Number of links
Number of groups

Free Helpdesk
Number of site visitors allowed - FUP*

StatsOnWeb: Eyetracking / Heatmap

StatsOnWeb's Eyetracking - Heatmap solution provides accurate visitor heat maps, user-behaviour & conversion optimization for better user-experience, engagement and sales.

Improve Site Usability
Find which of your pages are causing user headaches and annoyances.

Accurate, Actionable Insights
Find which of your pages are causing user headaches and annoyances.

Increase Conversions
Identify barriers users have for reaching your site goals.

Full Control, No Limitations
No restrictions on pageviews or session recordings.

Spy on Your Visitors
Record every visitor session including scrolls, clicks and movement.

No Technical Headaches

By Clicks
Using our overlays, you can see what your visitors are clicking versus what “you think” they are clicking.
Are people clicking your images? navigation? primary or secondary call to actions?

By Eye-Tracking
Watch how the visitor’s eyes are drawn to certain areas on a page.
Are they going to specific parts of the page you want them to? Do you need to redesign a certain element on the page to help draw their attention to it?

By Scroll
See how far your users scroll and where their attention fades or disappears.
Are they scrolling past your main call to action? Are they scrolling so fast that nothing is grabbing their attention?

Session Playbacks
Analyze each and ever visitors session / experience to see how they are interacting with your website or specific pages.

Deep Analytics
Gather at-a-glance statistics of which provides a summary of each project.

Overview Stats
See how many total visitors, tracked pages and total sessions Heat Map Tracker has recorded for each project.

Top Pages
Quickly see which pages your users are gravitating towards and how they are interacting with each page’s content. Spend more time on pages that users care about.

Regional Demographics
Learn location data on your visitors, to see what parts of the world they are coming from.

What can you do with Eyetracking - Heatmap
- Creating A/B Split Test Ideas
- During a Website Redesign
- “Above the Fold” Testing
- Identifying if Content Needs to be Added / Edited / Removed
- Conversion Rate Optimization for Forms, Checkout Processes and -Subscriptions
- Engagement with your Videos
- Screen Resolution Optimization
- Navigation Refinements
- Comparing Visitors Clicking Images vs Buttons vs Text Links
- Give Executives Real Data of What Works and What Doesn’t
- For “Before” and “After” Case Studies
- How Specific User Segments Engage with Your Site Compared to Others
- Confirm Site Security and Potential Vulnerabilities

Specifications from
Unlimited* Counters
1 Domains to track
Visitor Recordings
Heatmaps by Clicks
Heatmaps by Eye-Tracking
Heatmaps by Scoll
Session Playbacks
In-Depth Analytics
Control Panel