Country: | Australia |
Continent: | Australia |
Capital: | Canberra |
Location: | 35°28'S 149°18'E |
Area: | 7617930 |
Population: | 22585475 |
Time Zone: | UTC+8 to +10.5 |
Calling Code: | 61 |
Zone Info
- .AU is the official country code Second Level Domain (ccTLD) of Australia.
Zone Use
Any registered Australian company, sole trader or state registered business who are interested in registering an *.AU Domain can register below 3rd Level domains.
- Can also be registered by foreign trademark owners see according AddDomain section for example
Any Australian individual who is interested in registering a domain can register below 3rd Level domain.
- Minimum: 2
- Maximum: 63
- Letters and numbers
- Hyphens ("-"), however not at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD
- Physical persons can only register ID.AU domains.
- Companies can only register *.COM.AU, *.NET.AU, *.ORG.AU domains.