Starting today we will have released various payment platform for our clients to use.

As a client you can set the default way that you want to pay your future bills and when you log in and view the invoice that you wan to pay, you can select the payment process that you want for that specific payment There might be different charges and specific clearing time allocations for a certain payment process as will be visible on the bill as and when you select that process.

The possible ways to pay your bills now are:
- Bank Transfer (clearing when the money is in our bank account) 
- PayPal (immediate clearing)
- iDEAL (immediate clearing)
- DIRECTebanking (immediate clearing)
- SofortBanking (immediate clearing)
- MisterCash (immediate clearing)
- BanContact (immediate clearing)
- UK Direct Debit (5 day clearing time) 

Thank you for your attention and with these additions we hope to serve you even better.

R the Company Sales Team

Thursday, January 23, 2014

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