Dear Customer,

We would like you to know about the following planned maintenance window.

Service Affected: Server: Arwen

Impact: major Impact

Start Date: Sunday, 4th October 2014, 09:00 AM (BST)

End Date: Sunday, 4th October 2014, 09:30 AM (BST)

Status Report: Service Status

Some routine maintenance has to be done on the server Arwen that will require a reboot or two and rebuilding of the internal file structure. All clients that use this server have been warned about this upcoming maintenance work and downtime. We expect the downtime to be 10 to 15 minutes maximum, but we will keep this to a bare minimum, as you have come to expect from us.

We apologies for the inconvenience that this may cause and if there are any questions, please contact our technical support team.

Kindest Regards
Support team

Update 10:00 am:
Rebuilding the file structure seems to take longer than anticipated but i running through as it should. We're keeping a close eye on progress and will keep you informed here, when needed.

Update 10:15 am:
The rebuild has finished and all services seem to be up and running. We will do some extra checks to verify that all went well.
If you experience anything different from before, let us know and we'll look into it straight away.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

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