Zone Info
.ASIA is the official domain extension for the Pan-Asia and Asia Pacific Internet community.
Zone Use
Any resident, company or organisation of the ASIA region can register such a domain. It is specifically interesting for companies who have different office locations within the ASIA area.
- Minimum: 3
- Maximum: 63
- Letters and numbers (however no numbers directly at the beginning)
- Hyphens ("-"), however not at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD
- Valid IDN Languages and their corresponding tags: see IDN info
IDN info
- Traditional Chinese (ZH)
- Korean (KO)
- Japanese (JA)
- According to registry policy at least one contact located in the .ASIA region has to be provided. If you do not have a local contact you may register .ASIA domains using our trustee service.
- Nameservers can only be given in the following combinations:
- No name servers at all
- 2 - 13 name servers