
Country: Austria
Continent: Europe
Capital: Vienna
Location: 48°12'N 16°21'E
Area: 83872
Population: 8214160
Time Zone: CET (UTC+1)
Calling Code: 43

Zone Info

.AT is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Austria.

Zone Use

An .AT Domain is normally used by companies or private entities who are located in Austria or who have business relationships with Austria.


  • Minimum: 3
  • Maximum: 63
  • Letters and numbers
  • Hyphens ("-"), however not at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD

IDN info

The applicant is aware that IDN is a relatively new technology, which might possibly cause technical problems for certain applications.


  • min. 2 / max. 8 nameservers
  • No other restrictions
  • 0 Els usuaris han Trobat Això Útil
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