Country: | Moldova |
Capital: | Chi?in?u |
Area: | 33851 |
Population: | 4314377 |
Calling Code: | 373 |
Zone Info
.MD is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of the Repbulic of Moldova.
Zone Use
Companies located in Moldova, as well as companies or corporations who have business with Moldova.
Furthermore .MD Domains are used by individuals and corporations related to the medical industry.
- Minimum: 3
- Maximum: 63
- Letters and numbers
- Hyphens ("-"), however not at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD
The registry Max.MD has exclusivity within approx. 92 different countries meaning that .MD domains can only be registered for registrants from these countries. In the event, that the owner changes from e.g. .US to an Austrian entity, then you are no longer able to renew this domain through our normal processes.
The countires, where Max.MD has exclusivity are:
- Anguilla (AI)
- Antigua and Barbuda (AG)
- Argentina (AR)
- Australia (AU)
- Bahamas (BS)
- Barbados (BB)
- Belize (BZ)
- Bermuda (BM)
- Bolivia (BO)
- Botswana (BW)
- Brazil (BR)
- British Virgin Islands (VG)
- Cameroon (CM)
- Canada (CA)
- Cayman Islands (KY)
- Chile (CL)
- Colombia (CO)
- Cuba (CU)
- Dominica (DM)
- Dominican Republic (DO)
- Ecuador (EC)
- El Salvador (SV)
- Equatorial Guinea (GQ)
- Fiji Islands (FJ)
- France (FR)
- Germany (DE)
- Ghana (GH)
- Gibraltar (GI)
- Great Britain (United Kingdom) (GB)
- Grenada (GD)
- Guam (GU)
- Guatemala (GT)
- Guyana (GY)
- Honduras (HN)
- India (IN)
- Indonesia (ID)
- Ireland (IE)
- Jamaica (JM)
- Japan (JP)
- Johnston Atoll (JI)
- Kenya (KE)
- Kiribati (KI)
- Korea, Republic of (KR)
- Lesotho (LS)
- Liberia (LR)
- Malawi (MW)
- Malta (MT)
- Marshall Islands (MH)
- Mauritius (MU)
- Mexico (MX)
- Micronesia (FM)
- Namibia (NA)
- Nauru (NR)
- New Zealand (NZ)
- Nicaragua (NI)
- Nigeria (NG)
- Northern Mariana Islands (MP)
- Palau (PW)
- Panama (PA)
- Papua New Guinea (PG)
- Paraguay (PY)
- Peru (PE)
- Philippines (PH)
- Puerto Rico (PR)
- Samoa (WS)
- Sierra Leone (SL)
- Singapore (SG)
- Solomon Islands (SB)
- South Africa (ZA)
- Spain (ES)
- St. Kitts and Nevis (KN)
- Swaziland (SZ)
- Switzerland (CH)
- Tonga (TO)
- Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
- Tuvalu (TV)
- Uganda (UG)
- United Kingdom (UK)
- United States (US)
- Uruguay (UY)
- US Virgin Islands (VI)
- Vanuatu (VU)
- Venezuela (VE)
- Wake Island (WK)
- Zambia (ZM)
- Zimbabwe (ZW)