
Country: United States of America
Continent: North America
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Location: 38°52'N 77°1'E
Area: 9826675
Population: 313232044
Time Zone: UTC -5 to -10 / Summer (DST) UTC -4 to -10
Calling Code: 1

Zone Info

.US is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of the United States.

Zone Use

A .US Domain can be used and registered by anyone or any corporations who comply with the registration guidelines (see Restrictions).


  • Minimum: 3
  • Maximum: 63
  • Letters and numbers
  • Hyphens ("-"), however not at the beginning or directly in front of the TLD


A .US Domain can only be registered by any U.S. citizen or resident, as well as any business or organization, including federal, state, and local government with a bona fide presence in the United States.

One of the following eligibility requirements must be met:

  • A natural person
  1. who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States of America or any of its possessions or territories or
  2. whose primary place of domicile is in the United States of America or any of its possessions, or
  • Any entity or organization that is
  1. incorporated within one of the fifty (50) U.S. states, the District of Columbia, or any of the United States possessions or territories or
  2. organized or otherwise constituted under the laws of a state of the United States of America, the District of Columbia, or any of its possessions or territories, or
  • An entity or organization (including federal, state, or local government of the United States, or a political subdivision thereof) that has a bona fide presence in the United States. See Section B.3.1 of the NeuStar proposal to the Department of Commerce for details concerning what constitutes a "bona fide presence".

Please Note:
There is also a requirement for the name servers, these need to be physically in the US.

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