R the Company Email Security Overview of techniques

Mastering Email Security: A Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide to Email Security: SPF, DKIM, DMARC, BIMI, MTA-STS, and TLS-RPT

In today’s digital landscape, securing your email communications is essential to protect your brand and maintain trust with your audience. This comprehensive guide will cover key email security protocols, including SPF, DKIM, DMARC, BIMI, MTA-STS, and TLS-RPT. We’ll explain what they are, how they work, and provide step-by-step instructions on setting them up with practical examples.

Understanding SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

SPF: Sender Policy Framework

What is SPF?

R the Company Email Security process of validity

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email authentication method designed to detect forging sender addresses during the delivery of the email. SPF allows the domain owner to specify which mail servers are permitted to send emails on behalf of their domain.

How does SPF work?

SPF works by adding a DNS record that lists the IP addresses authorized to send email from your domain. When an email is received, the receiving server checks the SPF record to verify that the email is coming from an authorized source.

Setting up SPF:

  1. Identify Your Email Sending Sources:
    Determine all the IP addresses and servers that send emails on behalf of your domain, including your mail server and third-party services.
  2. Create an SPF Record:
    Add a TXT record to your DNS settings.

Example SPF Record:

exampledomain.ext TXT "v=spf1 ip4: include:mail.exampledomain.ext -all"
  • v=spf1 indicates the SPF version.
  • ip4: specifies the authorized IP address.
  • include:mail.exampledomain.ext allows emails from the specified mail server.
  • -all means that emails from any other sources should be rejected.

Replace the placeholders:

  • exampledomain.ext with your actual domain.
  • with your authorized IP address.
  • mail.exampledomain.ext with your mail server’s domain.

DKIM: DomainKeys Identified Mail

R the Company Email Security shwoign intermediate server checks

What is DKIM?

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email authentication method that allows the sender to attach a digital signature to emails. This signature can be verified by the recipient’s mail server to ensure that the email has not been altered during transit.

How does DKIM work?

DKIM uses a pair of cryptographic keys: a private key used to sign outgoing emails and a public key published in your DNS records. The recipient’s mail server uses the public key to verify the signature.

Setting up DKIM:

  1. Generate DKIM Keys:
    Use your email server or a DKIM tool to generate a public/private key pair.
  2. Publish the Public Key:
    Add a TXT record to your DNS settings.
  3. Configure Your Email Server:
    Set up your email server to sign outgoing emails with the private key.

Example DKIM Record:

dkim._domainkey.exampledomain.ext TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=[YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE]"
  • dkim._domainkey is the selector and domain part.
  • v=DKIM1 specifies the DKIM version.
  • k=rsa indicates the key type.
  • p=[YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE] is your public key.

Replace the placeholders:

  • exampledomain.ext with your actual domain.
  • [YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE] with your actual public key.

DMARC: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance

What is DMARC?

R the Company Email Security showing end user recieve with warning

DMARC is an email authentication protocol that uses SPF and DKIM to determine the legitimacy of an email. It allows domain owners to publish a policy that instructs email receivers on how to handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks.

How does DMARC work?

DMARC aligns the results of SPF and DKIM checks with the domain in the “From” header of the email. It also provides a reporting mechanism for email receivers to inform senders about email validation failures.

Setting up DMARC:

  1. Ensure SPF and DKIM are Configured:
    Before setting up DMARC, make sure you have SPF and DKIM correctly configured.
  2. Create a DMARC Policy:
    Add a TXT record to your DNS settings.

Example DMARC Record:

_dmarc.exampledomain.ext TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc-reports@exampledomain.ext"
  • v=DMARC1 specifies the DMARC version.
  • p=none sets the policy to take no action (other options are quarantine or reject).
  • rua=mailto:dmarc-reports@exampledomain.ext specifies the email address for aggregate reports.

Replace the placeholders:

  • exampledomain.ext with your actual domain.
  • dmarc-reports@exampledomain.ext with your reporting email address.

Implementing BIMI: Brand Indicators for Message Identification

What is BIMI?

R the Company Email Security showing end user recive with ok

BIMI is a standard that allows domain owners to display their brand logo next to their emails in the recipient’s inbox, enhancing brand visibility and trust.

How does BIMI work?

BIMI requires that your domain has a DMARC policy in place. It also involves creating a DNS record that points to your brand logo in SVG format.

Setting up BIMI:

  1. Ensure DMARC is Enforced:
    Your DMARC policy must be set to quarantine or reject.
  2. Create an SVG Logo:
    Ensure your logo is in SVG format and hosted securely.
  3. Create a BIMI Record:
    Add a TXT record to your DNS settings.

Example BIMI Record:

exampledomain.ext TXT "v=spf1 ip4: include:mail.exampledomain.ext -all"
  • v=BIMI1 specifies the BIMI version.
  • l=https://exampledomain.ext/logo.svg is the location of your logo.
  • a= is for optional assertion records.

Replace the placeholders:

  • exampledomain.ext with your actual domain.
  • https://exampledomain.ext/logo.svg with the URL of your SVG logo.

Implementing MTA-STS: Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security

What is MTA-STS?R the Company Email Security shows user configuring the ploicies

MTA-STS is a security protocol that enforces the use of TLS encryption for email communications, preventing man-in-the-middle attacks.

How does MTA-STS work?

MTA-STS involves creating a policy that specifies your domain’s TLS requirements and publishing this policy in your DNS settings.

Setting up MTA-STS:

  1. Create an MTA-STS Policy File:
    Host this file at https://mta-sts.exampledomain.ext/.well-known/mta-sts.txt.
  2. Publish an MTA-STS DNS Record:
    Add a TXT record to your DNS settings.

Example MTA-STS Policy:

version: STSv1
mode: enforce
mx: mail.exampledomain.ext
max_age: 86400
  • version: STSv1 specifies the MTA-STS version.
  • mode: enforce tells servers to enforce the policy.
  • mx: mail.exampledomain.ext lists your mail servers.
  • max_age: 86400 sets the time (in seconds) that the policy should be cached

Example MTA-STS DNS Record:

_mta-sts.exampledomain.ext TXT "v=STSv1; id=2023031501;"
  • v=STSv1 specifies the MTA-STS version.
  • id=2023031501 is an identifier for the policy version.

Replace the placeholders:

  • exampledomain.ext with your actual domain.
  • mail.exampledomain.ext with your mail server’s domain.

Implementing TLS-RPT: TLS Reporting

R the Company Email Security shows email verification by server

What is TLS-RPT?

TLS Reporting (TLS-RPT) provides a mechanism for reporting issues related to TLS encryption in email delivery, helping you identify and resolve security problems.

How does TLS-RPT work?

TLS-RPT involves creating a DNS record that specifies where reports about TLS issues should be sent.

Setting up TLS-RPT:

  1. Set Up a Reporting Endpoint:
    Determine the email address where you want to receive TLS reports.
  2. Create a TLS-RPT DNS Record:
    Add a TXT record to your DNS settings.

Example TLS-RPT Record:

_smtp._tls.exampledomain.ext TXT "v=TLSRPTv1; rua=mailto:tls-reports@exampledomain.ext;"
  • v=TLSRPTv1 specifies the TLS-RPT version.
  • rua=mailto:tls-reports@exampledomain.ext indicates the reporting address.

Replace the placeholders:

  • exampledomain.ext with your actual domain.
  • tls-reports@exampledomain.ext with your reporting email address.

Conclusion: Comprehensive Email SecurityR the Company Email Security recipient's mail program verification

Implementing SPF, DKIM, DMARC, BIMI, MTA-STS, and TLS-RPT ensures that your email communications are secure, trusted, and deliverable. By following the step-by-step instructions and examples provided, you can enhance your domain’s email security and protect your brand’s reputation.

What is next?

Take the first step in securing your email communications today.
Contact R the Company for expert assistance in setting up these essential email security protocols.